1) any practice that helps improve sales figures in a retail setting a) Merchandising b) Merchandise c) Marketing management  d) Production 2) What is marketing? a) How much your product will be b) Where you're selling your product c) The creation and maintenance of satisfying exchange relationships d) Methods used to tell customers about your product 3) What are the 4Ps of the marketing mix? a) planning, product, pricing, promotion b) Product, promotion, place, price c) Production, promotion, processing, price 4) Exchanging products or services with others by agreeing on their values a) central market b) bartering c) Relationship marketing 5) Is raw materials a form of production a) No b) Yes 6) Relationship marketing focuses on developing customer loyalty a) True b) False 7) Green marketing is designed to satisfy customers needs without harming the environment a) False b) True 8) accounting & finance manages income and expenses and maintains financial records a) true b) False 9) Is Risk management a marketing function a) False b) True 10) How many marketing functions are there a) 5 b) 9 c) 8 d) 10 11) A description of a unique group of prospective customers a business wants to serve and their location. a) marketing b) marketing mix c) market 12) the 3 activities of the marketing concept are a) To identify, To distribute, To operate profitable b) To identify, to develop and market products, to Price  c) To identify, To develop and market products, To operate profitably. 13) The ongoing activities designed to support the primary function of a business and keep it operating efficiently a) operations b) management c) accounting and finance 14) Relationship marketing focuses of developing customer loyalty a) true b) false 15) employee empowerment is an approach to customer service that gives employees the authority to solve many customer problems. a) true b) false 16) How does marketing negatively affect society a) waste money b) be misused c) cause social problems d) cause unneeded purchases e) all of the above 17) What is being self-sufficient a) don't rely on others b) rely on others 18) consumerism isn't the organized actions of groups of consumers seeking to increase their influence on business practices a) false b) true 19) central market isn't a location where people bring products to be conveniently exchanged a) true b) false 20) a boycott is an organized effort to influence a company by not buying their products a) false b) true

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