1) What are the reproductive cells in a flower called? a) Pollen grains b) Ovules c) Seeds 2) Which of the following is a male reproductive cell in a flower? a) Ovule b) Stamen c) Pistil 3) What is the function of pollen grains in a flower? a) To attract pollinators b) To produce nectar c) To fertilize the ovules 4) Where are pollen grains produced in a flower? a) Ovules b) Petals c) Stamen 5) Which of the following is a female reproductive cell in a flower? a) Pollen grain b) Stamen c) Pistil 6) What is the function of ovules in a flower? a) To attract pollinators b) To produce nectar c) To be fertilized by pollen grains 7) Where are ovules located in a flower? a) Stamen b) Petals c) Pistil 8) Which of the following is NOT a reproductive cell in a flower? a) Petal b) Ovule c) Pollen grain 9) What attracts pollinators to flowers? a) Pollen b) Petals c) Nectar 10) What is the function of pollinators? a) To suck nectar from flowers b) To carry pollen from flower to flower c) To eat seeds

Identifying Reproductive Cells in Flowers: Pollen Grains and Ovules


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