If you could choose only one place to go on vacation for the rest of your life, where would it be and why?, What’s the best trip you ever had?, What’s your favorite thing about the place where you live?, If you could live anywhere in the world for a year where would it be?, Which season fits your personality best—spring, summer, fall, or winter—and why?, What would the title of your autobiography be?, If you were a color, which would you be and why?, What is your favorite genre to read?, What is your guilty pleasure?, What did you get into the most trouble for with your parents as a teenager?, What’s the strangest family tradition in your family?, What were words you couldn’t pronounce as a child, so you made up your own?, What’s the story of your first crush?, What’s the funniest thing that ever happened on your family vacation?, What band would you be embarrassed to admit you listen to?, Do you like working from home or would you rather be in the office? Is there a balance of both that you like best?, What’s your favorite flower or plant?, What’s your favorite scent?, What movie or TV show can you watch over and over again?, Best book you’ve ever read?, Which of your personality trait has been the most useful?, If you could ask advice for any Historical Figure, who would it be? What would you ask them?, What would you do if you found a time machine and could go back in time? What time would you choose? Why?, If you could know the total truth to one question? What would you ask?, How did you find out Santa was not real?, What skill or craft would you like to master?, What is the most hilarious childhood memory you can think of?, What food combination would you want to ban?, What was the weirdest thing you did as a child?, Do you believe things happen for a reason?, What would be a perfect day?, What makes a person beautiful to you?, Which pet made the most impact in your life?, If you were famous, what would you be famous for?, If you had the chance to host your own talk show, whom would you like to interview? Why?.


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