1) I really love her new car but can't afford it. What am I? a) red with envy b) green with envy c) blue with envy d) black with envy 2) I keep telling my students to read for pleasure. I tell them until I'm... a) blue in the face. b) green in the face. c) red in the face. d) black in the face. 3) My neighbour crashed into my car. I was so mad! I really saw a) blue. b) green. c) black. d) red. 4) Mr Cole and all teachers are ... collar workers. a) black b) blue c) green d) white 5) The government agreed to build the new bridge and gave the ... light. a) amber b) green c) red 6) I owe my bank £3,000. I really hate being in the... a) red. b) black. c) white. d) green.


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