archeb - order, archebion - orders, croes - cross, croesau - crosses, llwyaid - spoonfull, llwyeidiau - spoonfuls, bat - bat, batiau - bats, bom - bomb, bomiau - bombs, catalog - catalogue, catalogau - catalogues, ewyn - foam, gostyngiad - reduction, gostyngiadau - reductions, henaint - old age, nerth - strength, Prydeiniwr - person o Brydain, Prydeinwyr - pobl o Brydain, stordy - storehouse, stordai - storehouses, tennyn - lead, top - top, topiau - tops, ymdrech - effort, ymdrechion - efforts, ffodus - fortunate, genedigol - native, prydlon - punctual, prompt, cynhori - to advise, ffrwydro - to explode, osgoi - to avoid, pwyntio - to point, rhostio - to roast, sbio - to look (Gogledd), tagu - to splutter; to choke, ymladd - to fight, botwm bol - belly button, codi pwysau - weightlifting, colli gafael (ar) - to lose hold (of), chwant bwyd - food craving, dan ei sang - full to the rafters, llyfr gosod - set book, o dro i dro - from time to time, syllu'n syn - to gaze in amazement, ymhlith - amongst,

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