1) She's from a small town in China, a) is she? b) isn't she? 2) They aren't on their way already, a) they are? b) are they? 3) She doesn't work in a hotel, a) does she? b) is she? 4) She studies very hard every night, a) does she? b) doesn't she? 5) David and Julie don't take Chinese classes, a) don't you b) do they? c) are they? 6) You aren't from Brazil, a) are you? b) do you? c) aren't you? 7) Peter played handball yesterday, a) didn't he? b) did he? 8) Kevin will come tonight, a) won't he? b) does he? c) will he? 9) You have cleaned your bike, a) have you? b) haven't you c) didn't you? 10) You weren't listening, a) weren't they b) did you? c) were you? 11) He can't speak English very well, a) can he? b) does he? c) can't he? 12) We should leave before it gets dark, a) shouldn't we? b) should we? 13) This was an interesting exercise,  a) was it? b) wasn't it? 14) She is the richest woman in the town, a) is she? b) isn't she? 15) We can go to the cinema tomorrow, a) can you? b) can't we? c) can't you? 16) She doesn't cook very well, a) doesn't she b) is she? c) does she?

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