1) I was really dissapointed. a) He talked and talked about the same topic for hours... b) I fell over in front of everybody in the restaurant... c) I was looking forward to that film, but it was a load of rubbish... d) My best friend won a talent competition even though she can't sing... 2) It's absolutely disgusting. a) I was looking forward to that film, but it was a load of rubbish... b) I hate the food in that restaurant... c) My best friend won a talent competition even though she can't sing... d) I can't add up and can't remember numbers.. 3) I was really bored. a) He talked and talked about the same topic for hours... b) He drove much too quickly and he wasn't really looking where he was going... c) They had only known eash other for a few days when they announced their engagement... d) I hate the food in that restaurant... 4) It was quite frightening. a) He drove much too quickly and he wasn't really looking where he was going... b) I can't add up and can't remember numbers.. c) I was looking forward to that film, but it was a load of rubbish... d) I fell over in front of everybody in the restaurant... 5) We were quite shocked! a) I fell over in front of everybody in the restaurant... b) My best friend won a talent competition even though she can't sing... c) I can't add up and can't remember numbers.. d) They had only known eaсh other for a few days when they announced their engagement... 6) It was the most embarassing experience in my life! a) I was looking forward to that film, but it was a load of rubbish... b) He talked and talked about the same topic for hours... c) I fell over in front of everybody in the restaurant... d) They had only known eash other for a few days when they announced their engagement... 7) I was amazed! a) My best friend won a talent competition even though she can't sing... b) I can't add up and can't remember numbers.. c) I fell over in front of everybody in the restaurant... d) He drove much too quickly and he wasn't really looking where he was going... 8) I find it so confusing. a) He drove much too quickly and he wasn't really looking where he was going... b) I was looking forward to that film, but it was a load of rubbish... c) I can't add up and can't remember numbers.. d) He talked and talked about the same topic for hours...

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