1) What does the word aligned mean? a) To match something up b) To sort something out c) To draw a line d) To arrange in a straight line; to bring into line 2) What does the word civilisations mean? a) To be civil to someone b) To act respectfully to someone c) The society, culture and way of life of a particular group of people d) The culture and way of life of a particular group of mammals 3) What does the word invincible mean? a) Someone who can be beaten up b) Someone who can be in and seen c) Someone or something too powerful to be defeated or overcome d) Something or someone to weak to overcome 4) What does the word magnitude mean? a) The great size or extent of something b) The tiny size of something or someone c) Using a magnifying glass to see something small 5) What does the word transporting mean? a) To carry from one place to another b) To move from one place to another c) To move on top of something d) To play sports while moving 6) What does the word speculation mean? a) When you watch something b) To be a spectator at an event c) Forming a theory with lots of evidence d) The forming of a theory without firm evidence

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