which ones (na xie) - 哪些, food (shi wu) - 食物, flavor (kou wei) - 口味, kong pao chicken (gong bao ji ding) - 宫保鸡丁, Peking duck (bei jing kao ya) - 北京烤鸭, sweet & sour pork (tian suan rou) - 甜酸肉, sweet & sour fish (tang cu yu) - 糖醋鱼, beef w/broccoli (jie lan niu rou) - 芥兰牛肉, hot and sour soup (suan la tang) - 酸辣汤, What are the Chinese food? - 中餐有哪些食物?, Which flavor do you like? - 你喜欢什么口味?, I like spicy flavor - 我喜欢辣的, I like sour flavor - 我喜欢酸的, I like sweet flavor - 我喜欢甜的, I like salty flavor - 我喜欢咸的,



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