Routine - a sequence of actions regularly followed; a fixed program, Potent - having great power, influence, or effect, Sensitive - displaying a quick and delicate appreciation of others' feelings, Requisition - demand the use or supply of, especially by official order and for military or public use., Flattery - excessive and insincere praise, given especially to further one's own interests, Fundamental - of central importance, Empathized - understand and share the feelings of another, Persona - the aspect of someone's character that is presented to or perceived by others, Discreet - intentionally unobtrusive, Megalomania - obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others, Prestigious - inspiring respect and admiration; having high status, Concession - a thing that is granted, especially in response to demands, Instinctively - without conscious thought, Inevitably - as is certain to happen; unavoidably, Archaic - very old or old-fashioned, Breached - make a gap in and break through (a wall, barrier, or defense), Confounding - cause surprise or confusion in (someone), Spontaneously - as a result of a sudden impulse and without premeditation, Banter - the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks, Predecessor - a person who held a job or office before the current holder,

Vocab Ch 9-11



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