Enzymes - Protein molecules that cause chemical reactions to speed up, Substrate - The molecule that the enzyme joins with or acts upon, Active Site - The area of the substrate to which the enzyme joins, Enzyme-Substrate Complex - when the enzyme and the substrate are bound together, Catabolism - reactions that break down large macromolecules into monomers, Anabolism - Reactions that build macromolecules out of monomers, Exergonic Reactions - Reactions that release free energy, Endergonic Reactions - Reactions that require free energy to occur, Free Energy - Energy that is available to do work, Dehydration synthesis - is an anabolic chemical reaction that form covalent bonds between monomers, Hydrolysis - Is a catabolic reaction that breaks the covalent bonds in polymers producing monomers, Induced Fit - When the substrate binds with the enzyme the enzyme changes shape and surrounds the substrate, Activation Energy - the energy required to make a reaction occur., Amylase - enzyme that breaks down starch, Pepsin - enzyme that breaks down proteins, Optimal conditions - the conditions where an enzyme works the best, Increase in temperature - causes increased collisions between the substrate and the enzyme. It will increase the rate of reaction to a point., Denatured enzymes - The shape of the enzyme has be altered, it cannot interact with the substrate, cofactors - non-protein, small inorganic compounds and ions that bound with enzymes to help the enzyme, coenzymes - non-protein, organic molecules that bind near the active site and assist reactions., competitive inhibition - Inhibitor binds to the enzyme's active site and inhibits the enzyme, Non-competitive inhibition - Inhibitor binds to the enzyme causes the enzyme to change shape and inhibits the enzyme,


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