ease - in order to ______ congestion, the government brought in restrictions on car use, flourish - businesses are springing up and ________, halt - they are to receive funding to _____ the decline, house - the Geffrye Museum ______ a collection of photographs of English domestic life , impose - the government has _________ restrictions on car use, initiate - the mayor ______ an ambitious plan to redevelop the city centre, inward - the city has managed to attract a lot of ________ investment, knock down - the slums were ___________ to make way for a golf course, neglected - the whole area has become _______ and needs rebuilding, undergo - the city has ________ huge changes in recent years, pour into - the government _______ £3 billion into the new rail network, inhabitant - the old slums were demolished and the ______ were re-housed, downturn - the city was hit by an economic ___________, bring in - the government _______ restrictions on car use,

Outcomes Advanced Unit 1 p. 12


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