RELATIONSHIP - Any connection or involvement between 2 or more characters, OBJECTIVE - The goal of a character; what they want or need, STAKES - What a character is risking if they do not succeed at achieving their objective, STORY - Series of events told in a planned and structured format, PLOT - Sequence of events within a story, CONFLICT - Struggle between protagonist and forces of antagonism, PROTAGONIST - Lead character in a story or plot, ANTAGONIST - Person, thing, event, or circumstance that opposes a protagonist from achieving their objective, EXPOSITION - Introduction to a plot that reveals important background information from the story, POINT OF ATTACK - Point in the story where the plot begins, INCITING INCIDENT - Moment, event, or decision that forces the protagonist into the main action of a story, RISING ACTION - Related series of incidents in a plot that build toward the point of greatest interest, CLIMAX - Point in a plot where the tension, excitement, or stakes reach the highest level, FALLING ACTION - Period of a story that follows the climax, releases dramatic tension, and begins to wrap things up, RESOLUTION - Conclusion of the story by resolving the main conflict,

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