1) Which of the following is a way to be entered into the lottery for jury duty? (Check all that apply) a) Claiming unemployment b) Attending a public university c) Registering to Vote d) Paying for a new mailbox e) Having a driver's license f) Applying for social security 2) How many different types of court cases are there? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 e) 6 f) 7 3) What kind of case involves the government accusing someone of committing a crime? a) tribunal b) civil c) maritime d) criminal 4) What kind of case does not involve a criminal accusation, and usually involves money? a) criminal b) civil c) maritime d) tribunal 5) What kind of lawyer is in charge of accusing someone of a crime and proving they are guilty? a) court reporter b) defendant c) prosecutor d) judge e) juror 6) What is the name for a person being accused of committing a crime? a) prosecutor b) defendant c) court reporter d) judge e) juror 7) Which legal title also refers to "the state of Illinois"? a) the plaintiff b) the public c) the jurors d) the people e) the defendant 8) "Voir Dire" refers to which legal process? a) judges making personal decisions b) lawyers suing witnesses c) prosecutors accusing defendants d) lawyers and judges asking potential jurors questions 9) What does the Latin phrase "Voir Dire" mean? a) Close your eyes b) Speak the truth c) Open your ears d) Say your name e) Read a book 10) The first main rule of serving on a jury is ____________________. a) No public transportation b) No bathroom breaks c) No outside research d) No cell phones e) No napping 11) The second main rule of serving on a jury is _________________. a) Don't tell your boss you have jury duty b) Don't talk about the weather c) Don't tell anyone your name d) Don't sleep in your own house e) Don't discuss the case with others 12) Any object or material that is relevant to a crime is called ______________________. a) Physical evidence b) Imaginary evidence c) Suspicious evidence d) Temporary evidence e) Literary evidence 13) A statement a witness makes under oath is called ____________________. a) Physical evidence b) Jury duty c) Deliberation d) Prosecution e) Testimonial

Courtroom Procedure and Jury Duty



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