1) Come buy this brand new water bottle! It is spill proof and can be customized in any way! what is the authors purpose? a) Persuasion b) Water c) Inform d) Entertain 2) Global warming is a big problem in the world. It hurts the Environment and endangers many species. What is the authors purpose? a) Animals b) Inform c) Persuasion d) Entertain e) Earth f) Dangerous 3) Cherry runs from behind the giant gumdrop and jumps on the gummy bear that throws her high in the air and falls into a pit of marsh mellow! What is the authors purpose? a) Persuasion b) Inform c) Gummy d) CANDY! e) Entertain f) FOOD 4) The Earth throws a way to much garbage each day, we need to make a difference. We should all do something to help earth survive. Help make a difference! What is the authors purpose? a) Persuasion b) Entertain c) Fire d) Inform e) Wind f) Sky 5) Turtles are animals that have a shell and that is what you remember them by, but baby sea turtles never meet there parents in the ocean and have to spend there lost years all by themselves! What is the authors purpose? a) Persuasion b) inform c) Entertain d) Turtles e) Babies f) Sad 6) Mrs. Sparkle poof threw her glitter in the air and then a werewolf appeared in front of the classroom, ¨are we going to learn magic or not!¨ asked the werewolf. What is the authors purpose? a) Inform b) Magic c) Persuasion d) Spooky e) Entertain f) Glitter 7) At the animal shelter we have just gotten 15 new dogs, all with different characteristics! Some are big some are small, some are hyper some are lazy, but they are all ready to have a forever home. adopt one or two today! What is the authors purpose? a) Entertain b) Inform c) Persuasion d) Dogs e) Help f) Shelter 8) I was running around my front lawn while my friend tried to spray me with the hose. I hid behind the car but my friend sneaked behind me and sprayed me on the back. I laughed and ran away. What is the authors purpose? a) Inform b) Persuasion c) Entertain d) Water e) Sneaky f) Run, Run, It's the Gingerbread Man 9) The new Pringles flavor is amazing, it is found in all and any store you think of! buy them today! What is the authors purpose? a) Entertain b) Inform c) Persuasion d) Hot and Spicy e) Ranch f) Taco 10) I was skating around my street when my friend came up behind me and said, ¨last one to the park is a rotten egg!¨ What is the authors purpose? a) Inform b) Persuasion c) Entertain d) Rotten Egg e) You're It! f) Skating

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