呀 - ya (interjectory particle used to soften a question), 进 - (jìn) to enter, 快 - (kuài) fast, quick; quickly, 进来 - (jìnlái) to come in, 来 - lái to come, 介绍 - (jièshào) to introduce, 一下 - (yíxià) once; a bit ; *V一下(to quantify a verb), 高兴 - (gāoxìng) happy, pleased, 漂亮 - (piàoliàng) pretty, 坐 - zuò - to sit, 在 - (zài) at; in; on, 哪儿 - (nǎ ér) where, 学校 - (xuéxiào) school, 喝 - (hē) to drink, 点儿 - (diǎn ér) a little, a bit; some (to quantify a noun), 茶 - (chá)tea, 咖啡 - (kāfēi) coffee, 吧 - (ba) a sentence-final particle to soften the feel of a sentence. This could be to make it more polite, gentler and less forceful, or to turn a command into a suggestion., 要 - (yào) to want(can be followed by noun); is going to, 瓶 - (píng) measure word for bottled drink, 可乐 - (kělè) cola, 可以 - (kěyǐ) can (for asking permissions;giving permission; however, can for knowing how to (a skill) should be 会 hui4), 对不起 - (duìbùqǐ) sorry, 给 - (gěi) (Verb)to give; (preposition word)to/for~, 杯 - (bēi) measure word for things contained in glasses or cups, 水 - (shuǐ) water, 高小音 - (Gāo Xiǎoyīn) a girl's name,

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