Relationship - Connection between any 2 people, Objective - What a character wants or needs, Stakes - What is at risk if a character doesn't meet their objective, Intermission - 10 to 20 minute break in the middle of a play, Run - Total number of times a play is performed, Tour - Part of a theatrical run where a play is performed in more than one place, Act - Large sections of a play divided by an intermission, Scene - Smaller section of a play that takes place in a single location without a time jump, Beat - Small, individual moment or action within a play, Text - Element of Theatre that describes the written script, Design - Element of Theatre that describes Costumes, Lights, Sound, Set, and Props, Space - Element of Theatre that describes the stage, Spectator - Element of Theatre that describes the audience, Performer - Element of Theatre that describes actors, actresses, singers, and dancers, Liveness - Element of Theatre that describes a performer and an audience being in the same place and the same time,

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