分别 - Fēnbié: Separately; respectively; to part from each other, (n)difference, 出发 - Chūfā: To set out; to depart, 美丽 - Měilì: Beautiful, 留(下) - Liú (xia): To leave behind; to stay behind, 深 - Shēn: Profound; deep; dark (color); intimate (of relations or feelings), 分享 - Fēnxiǎng: To share (joy, happiness, benefit, etc...), 之 - Zhī: Literary counterpart of 的, 报名 - Bào míng: To sign up; to register, 参加 - Cānjiā: To participate; to take part; to attend, 团 - Tuán: Group; organization, 包括 - Bāokuò: To include; to consist of, 交通 - Jiāotōng: Transportation; traffic, 门票 - Ménpiào: Admission ticket; admission fee, 旅客 - Lǚkè: Passenger; voyager; traveler, 硬 - Yìng: Hard, 卧铺 - Wòpù: Sleeping berth of bunk on a train, 车厢 - Chēxiāng: Railroad carriage, 枕头 - Zhěntou: Pillow, 软 - Ruǎn: Soft, 关 - Guān: To close; to turn off, 打呼噜 - Dǎ hūlu: To Snore, 顿 - Dùn: Measure word for meals, 盒饭 - Héfàn: Box lunch, 面 - Miàn: Noodles, 拥抱 - Yōngbào: To embrace; to hug, 幽默 - Yōumò: Humorous, 逗 - Dòu: To tease; to play with, 省会 - Shěnghuì: Provincial capital, 美 - Měi: Beautiful; good, 亲眼 - Qīnyǎn: (too see) with one's own eyes, 饮食 - Yīnshí: Diet; food and drink, 风俗 - Fēngsú: Custom, 习惯 - Xíguàn: Habit; to be accustom to, 游览 - Yóulǎn: To go sightseeing; to tour; excursion, 石头 - Shítou: Stone; rock; pebble, 树林 - Shùlín: Woods; forest, 讲 - Jiǎng: To speak; to tell, 故事 - Gùshi: Story; tale, 塔 - Tǎ: Tower; Pagoda-shaped structure, 古老 - Gǔlǎo: Ancient; old, 纪念品 - Jìniànpǐn: Souvenir; keepsake; memento, 千万 - Qiānwàn: By all means; absolutely must, 河 - Hé: River, 茶馆 - Cháguǎn: Teahouse, 灯笼 - Dēnglong: Lantern, 来往 - Lái wǎng: To come and go; to have dealings with, 房东 - Fángdōng: Landlord or landlady, 昆明 - Kūnmíng: Kunming (capital of Yunnan Province), 石林 - Shílín: The stone forest, 大理 - Dàlǐ: Dali, 丽江 - Lìjiāng: Lijiang, 印象 - Yinxiang: impression,

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