beat - small, individual moment or action that happens in a play, scene - section of a play that usually takes place in one location without a time jump, act - large section of a play that is divided by a 10 to 20 minute break, run - total number of times a play is performed for an audience, tour - part of a run where a play is performed in more than one space, intermission - period of time when audience does not have to follow rules of etiquette, ritual - repeated actions and performances that gain importance over time, storytelling - telling people a series of events or explanations, history - telling a story about the past that is 100% accurate, mythology - making up a story that explains something but is presented as fact, fable - a short story with simple details that has a message or moral, fun - people enjoying themselves or having a sense of humor, design - technical elements of a theatre production, liveness - when an actor and an audience are in the same place at the same time, performer - actor, singer, or dancer, space - location of a theatre production, spectator - an audience, text - general content of a play, functional - part of a design that deals with whether or not something needs to perform a specific action, aesthetic - part of a design that focuses on the look or appearance of something,

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