Harry Truman - He had his middle name as S , John Quincy Adams - He kept an alligator in a white house bathtub, JFK - He made a moon speech, Abraham Lincoln - He ended slavery, James Madison - He was nicknamed the father of the constitution, George W Bush - He was nicknamed Dubya, James Garfield - He wrote with both hands, George Washington - He did not live in the white house, James Buchanan - He was never married, William Harrison - He served as president 31 days and died, Dwight Eisenhower - He fought in both World Wars, Teddy Roosevelt - He was the youngest to take office , Andrew Jackson - He was the first target of a presidential assassination, Martin Van Buren - He was the only president to speak english as a second language, Woodrow Wilson - He was president during WWI, Richard Nixon - He was the only to resign from office, Joe Biden - He was the oldest to take office, Ulysses Grant - His first name was Hiram, Barack Obama - He is the only to be born in a state not connected with the US, Ronald Reagan - He was a actor before being president,

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