1) Along came a spider; Who sat down beside her; And frightened ___________ Away. a) Mary Poppins b) Miss Muffet c) Little Bo Peep d) Chicken Little 2) ______________, on the treetop. a) Rock Around the clock b) When the wind blows c) Down will come baby d) Rock-a-bye baby 3) Do you know the_________; Who lives in Drury Lane? a) muffin man b) raggedy man c) pie man d) old man 4) No, you shall have no pie_____________. a) pussy cat & the pussy cat dolls b) Georgie Porgie c) Little Jack Horner d) Three Little Kittens 5) Mary had a little lamb; Whose fleece was white as_________. a) A polar bear b) clouds c) snow d) paper 6) Patty cake, patty cake, baker's man__________. a) put it in the oven for baby and me b) put it in the microwave c) bake me a cake as fast as you can d) put her in a pumpkin shell. 7) Some like it hot, Some like it cold, some like it in the pot__________. a) Nine days old b) please porridge cold c) please porridge hot d) washed and dried and put away 8) ___________ went to the cupboard, to give the poor dog a bone. a) Little willie b) Old Mother hubbard c) Jack Frost d) Old Mcdonald 9) __________ was merry old soul; And a merry old soul was he a) Old King Cole b) Shakespeare c) Old Saint Nick d) Little Drummer Boy 10) Little Jack Horner; Sat in the corner; Eating a ________pie. a) mince b) blueberry c) Christmas d) Chicken pot 11) The _________crawled up the water spout. a) Itsy Bitsy Spider b) Big Ole Snack c) Ispy Wipsy Wasp d) Incy Wincy Weevil 12) There was an old woman who lived in a shoe; She had so many ______, she didn't knw what to do. a) late bills b) men c) children d) cats 13) It's raining. It's pouring; The old man is ________. a) snoring b) farting c) mourning d) snorkling 14) And if that mockingbird won't sing Mama's gonna buy you ________. a) more bling b) a diamond ring c) wet noodles/newspaper d) bag of switches 15) A tisket a tasket A _______basket a) itsy bitsy b) pink and blue c) teeny tiny d) green and yellow 16) _________ picked a peck of pickled peppers. a) Old King Cole b) Peter Piper c) Charlie Brown d) Peter, Peter pumpkin Eater 17) Little Boy Blue; blow your_______. a) nose b) flute c) food before you eat it d) horn. 18) If '' Polly put the kettle on", who takes it off again? a) Mary b) Molly c) Sukey d) the wolf 19) Little Bo Peep has lost her__________. a) mind b) sheep c) contact d) all her friends 20) Georgie Porgie, Puddin' and Pie; Kissed the girls and made them cry; When the boys came out to play; Georgie Porgie________. a) went up the hill b) ran away c) was very rude to them d) kissed them too 21) I'm a little __________short and stout; Here is my handle, here is my spout. a) sleepy b) coffee mug c) sugar bowl d) tea pot 22) Mary, Mary, quite contrary, How does your _______ grow? a) hair b) garden c) feet d) bank account 23) _____________;He played Knick-knack on my thumb. a) Give a dog a bone b) Jack Horner c) J. Cole d) This old man 24) Deeddle, deeddle, dumpling, my son John; Went to bed with his ________on. a) pajamas b) tennis shoes c) cowboy boots d) stockings 25) Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any________. a) diapers b) wool c) food d) change 26) jack be nimble; Jack be quick; jack jump over; the _________. a) candlestick b) snowboard c) baby chick d) limbo stick 27) ring a round the Rosie; A pocket full of _______. a) ashes b) rocks c) posies d) tissues 28) To market, to market, to buy a fat_____ home again, home again, jiggety-jig. a) wig b) crisco c) hen d) pig 29) Half a pound of tuppenny rice; Half a pound of treacle; That's the way the money goes;______. a) Pop! goes the jack in thebox b) Pop! Goes the weasel! c) The monkey stopped to tie his shoe d) All around the Mulberry bush 30) ___________ First star I see tonight; I wish I may, I wish I might; have the wish I wish tonight. a) Hush Little baby b) Twinkle, twinkle little star c) Lucky star d) Star light, star bright
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