给 - (gěi) 1.verb:to give 2. preposition word:to; for, 打电话 - (dǎ diànhuà) to make a phone call, 电话 - (diànhuà) telephone, 手机 - (shǒu jī) cell phone, 喂 - wéi Hello! (on telephone), 在 - zài - 1.indicator of a place-in, on , at 2.to be present;, 就 - (jiù) exactly; precisely;emphasize the earliness of the occurence of an action, 您 - (nín ) you (polite), 哪 - (nǎ/něi ) which, 位 - (wèi)a polite measure word for person, 下午 - (xiàwǔ) afternoon, 时间 - (shíjiān) time, 问题 - (wèntí) question; problem, 要 - yào -be going to; to want to, to have a desire to, 开会 - (kāi huì) to have a meeting, 开 - (kāi) to open;to turn on; to hold (a meeting, party, etc.); to drive, 会 - (huì) 1.meeting 2. can/be able to (a skill)3.will, 上午 - (shàngwǔ) morning, 节 - (jié) Measure word for class periods; festival, 课 - (kè) class; course; lesson, 年级 - (niánjí) grade in school, 考试 - (kǎoshì) to give or take a test; test, 考 - (kǎo)to give or take a test, 试 - (shì) test; to try; to experiment, 以后 - yǐhòu (conjunction)after; later on, 空儿 - (kòngr) free time, 要是 - (yàoshi) if...(then), 方便 - (fāngbiàn) convenient, 到 - (dào) to go to; to arrive, 办公室 - (bàngōngshì) office, 行 - (xíng) all right; O.K., 等 - (děng)-to wait; to wait for, 别 - bié - don't (command), 客气 - kèqi - polite; courteous, 常老师 - (Cháng lǎo shī)Teacher Chang,

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