Example of Culturally Responsive Teaching: " I believe that all students and families have important strengths I can draw on as an educator.", "I know you are a very capable student. Together we will work hard to make sure you understand.", " My curriculum includes concepts and materials that reflect the cultural diversity of my students.", " I respond to the needs and interests of my students by listening to their ideas about learning.", " I incorporate diverse ways of knowing, understanding, and representing information.", "My curriculum capitalizes on students' cultural backgrounds rather than attempting to override or negate them.", "As a teacher, I am not an expert, but rather a guide for my students learning.", Non Example of Culturally Responsive Teaching: "My students' home lives and backgrounds interfere with their success in school.", "That's okay. It's a hard task and not everyone can do it.", "The curriculum is set and does not offer the opportunity to include culturally diverse representations.", "What I need drives the development of my lesson.", "If I am honest with myself, I present information the best way that I understand it.", "It's important for students of different cultural backgrounds to learn American cultural norms and history so they can be successful. ", "My students look to me for the right answers as the expert.",

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