与 - Yǔ: And; With, 夫妻 - Fūqī: Husband and wife; couple, 退休 - Tuìxiū: To retire, 博物馆 - Bówùguǎn: Mueseum, 散步 - Sàn bù: To take a walk; to go for a walk, 锻炼 - Duànliàn: To exercise; to work out; to undergo physical training, 圈 - Quān: Circle; to encircle; to mark with a circle, 排 - Pái: To line up; row; line; measure word for rows, 队 - Duì: A row or line of people; column; measure word for teams or lines, 太极拳 - Tàijíquán: Tai qi; a form of traditional Chinese shadow boxing, 早晨 - Zǎochen: Morning; early morning, 成为 - Chéngwéi: To become; to turn into, 使 - Shǐ: To make; to cause; to have someone do something, 显得 - Xiǎnde: To appear (to be); to seem, 活力 - Huólì: Vitality; energy, 出门 - Chū mén: To go out; to leave home, 瑜伽 - Yújiā: Yoga, 动作 - Dòngzuò: Movement; action, 树 - Shù: Tree, 表演 - Biǎoyǎn: To perform; to act; performance, 重视 - Zhòngshì: To attach importance to; to think much of, 注意 - Zhùyì: To pay attention to; attention, 等 - Děng: And so forth; etc, 健身房 - Jiànshēnfáng: Fitness center; gym, 偶尔 - Ōu'ěr: Occansionally, 身材 - Shēncái: Stature; figure, 等于 - Děngyú: To equal; to be equivalent to, 减肥 - Jiǎn féi: To lose weight, 只要 - Zhǐyào: Only if; as long as, 随便 - Suíbiàn: Casual; careless; to do as one pleases, 即使 - Jíshǐ: Even if, 营养 - Yíngyǎng: Nutrition; nourishment, 饱 - Bǎo: Full; satiated (after a meal), 可见 - Kějiàn: It's obvious that; it can be seen that, 科学 - Kēxué: Science; scientific; rational, 方面 - Fāngmiàn: Aspect; respect, 吸烟 - Xī yān: To smoke a cigarette, 熬夜 - Áo yè: To stay up late or all night; to burn the midnight oil, 必须 - Bìxū: Must; have to; be obliged to, 补充 - Bǔchōng, 睡眠 - Shuìmián: Sleep, 否则 - Fǒuzé: Otherwise, 只 - Zhī: Measure word for one of certain paired things and some animals, 熊猫 - Xióngmāo: Panda,

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