Platyhelminthes - What phylum of acoelomate invertebrate - that is organisms lacking a fluid-filled body cavity- includes tapeworms and planarians?, focus or foci - Kepler's first law states that planets' orbits are ellipses with the Sun at one of the what points, which along with the directix define a conic section?, glucagon - Semaglutide is an analogue of a peptide called GLP where the "G" is GLP-1 stands for what hormone that tends to increase blood glucose levels?, antibodies - What "Y"-shaped proteins, which are conjugated to fluorescent dye in immunostaining techniques, bond to target molecules to provoke immune responses?, Interference - Coherent light can give rise to a stable form of what phenomeon, in which waves combine constructively or destructively?, Antoine Lavoisier - What French chemist, who stated a form of the law of conservation of mass, was guillotined in 1749?, capacitors - Leyden jars are early examples of what circuit elements, which often take the form of parallel plates?, Avogadro's constant - What eponymous, dimensionless constant used in stoichiometry equals one gram divided one atomic mass unit?, tornado - Hook echoes Doppler radar usually indicate what phenomena, whose strength is measured by the Enhanced Fujita scale?, Sadi Carnot - What Frenchman proposed his namesake reversible "cycle" that has the maximum possible efficiency for any heat engine?, progesterone - After ovulation, levels of what hormone produced by the corpus luteum rise dramatically in anticipation of pregnancy?, Wine - The Latin phrase "in vino veritas" literally means that there is truth in what substance?, Wolfgang Pauli - What Austrian physicist proposed that two electrons in the same orbtial must have opposite spins in his "exclusion principle"?, Iron or Fe - Evidence for the Great Oxygenation Event includes "banded formations" named for what element, whose ores include hematite?, alveoli - Emphysema causes the breakdown of what air sacs found in mammalian lungs where gas exchange takes place?, 9.8 - Within 5 percent, and rounded to the nearest tenth, what is the acceleration due to gravity on Earth's surface, in meters per second squared?, isomers - What term refers to any two molecules that have the same molecular formula but different arrangements of their atoms in space?, Mutualism - In some cases, lichens are an example of what symbiotic relationship in which both organisms benefit from their association?,

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