Agamemmon - The vengeful wife Clyemnestra stabs the title kind of Mycenae to death in what 5th- century BC play by Aeschylus that opens The Oresteia?, The Color Purple - A girl named Celie is abused by her father Alphonso in what Pulitzer Prize novel by Alice Walker?, William Bryant - What 19th-century poet described the "innumerable caravan" of the dead in his poem "Thanatopsis", Willa Cather - What author wrote about Carl Linstrum's relationship with Alexandra Bergson in the novel O Pinoneers?, Meditations - What philosophical text, which is a classic of Stoic thought, was written by the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius?, Pablo Neruda - What author lamented "tonight I can write the saddest lines" in the 20th "love poem" of a 1924 collection?, The Lottery - Old Man Warner scoffs at towns that have stopped running the title event in what story that ends with the death of Tessie Hutchinson?, The Comedy of Errors - This farcical Shakespeare play, one of his most slapstick-heavy, is about a master and his servant who both have identical twins in another town., colons - What punctuation mark that appears after a business letter's salutation is also used to introduce a list or to join two related main clauses., To His Coy Mistress - The speaker claims to "always hear/ Time's winged chariot hurrying near" in what Andrew Marvell poem that begins "had we but World enough, and Time"?, Les Miserables - What French musical, whose English version has been playing in London's West End since 1985, includes the song "Do You Hear the People Sing?", Angie Thomas - What author depicted the young rapper Bri in her novel "On the Come Up" and portrayed the Carter family in the books " Concrete Rose" and " The Hate U Give"?, Cormac McCarthy - What author, whose "Border Trilogy" began with the 1992 novel "All the Pretty Horses", wrote about hitman Anton Chigurh in "No Country for Old Men"?, Alfred Stieglitz - A gallery named 291 was founded by what photographer of a picture titled "The Steerage" who was married to the painter Georgia O'Keeffe?, Tartarus - According to Hesiod, an anvil dropped from the surface takes nine days to land in what Greek abyss where sinful mortal are tormented after death?, tiger - A 2001 novel depicts a lifeboat inhabited by Richard Parker, an example of what animal that partially titles an award-winning novel by Aravind Adiga?, participle - A gerund is frequently confused with what verb form, which also ends in "I-N-G" but can function as an adjective, as in the phrase "a stinging insult"?, Jean-Paul Marat - IN 1793 Charlotte Corday was executed by guillotine for assassinating what revolutionary publisher in France?, Avi ( Edward Wortis) - What YA author wrote about a medieval boy in "Crispin: The Cross of Lead", and depicted mutinous sailors in the "The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle"?, Pandaemonium - In John Milton's epic "Paradise Lost", fallen angels build a palace with what name, which inspired an English word meaning chaos or havoc?, unfinished - What nickname is given to Franz Schubert's Symphony No. 8 in B minor, which has only two fully orchestrated movements?, Emile Durkheim - What French thinker wrote "The Rules of Sociological Method" and compared rates at which Catholics and Protestants kill themselves in this book "Suicide"?, Siddhartha - In a 1922 novella by Hermann Hesse, the Indian merchant Kamaswami teachers business skills to what title Brahman, who shares a name with the Buddha?, The Red Wheelbarrow - "So much depends/upon" the title object of what poem by William Carlos William, which describes a farm implement?, Gayle or Taylor Gayle Rutherford - What Texan singer's 2022 EP " A Study of Human Experience Volume One" included a viral hit whose radio edit was given the shortened title "abc"?, A Modest Proposal - Jonathan Swift wrote that pork is less tasty than a "fat yearling child" in what essay, which satirically suggest the Irish children should be eaten?, Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand - John Galt leads a strike of business leader against so-called "looters" in what novel, which advances the philosophy of Objectivism? , Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie - Saleem Sinai uses telepathy to contact people with superpowers in what 1981 novel titled for people born within the first hour of India's independence?, ellipsis ( prompt on three dots) - What punctuation structure may indicate that words are omitted from the middle of a quotation, or that a character's speech or thought is trailing off?,

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