Guadalupe Hidalgo - The U.S. secured control of California through what 1848 treaty that ended the Mexican-American War?, Walter Mondale - What Democrat won only D.C. and his home state of Minnesota during a landslide loss to Ronald Reagan in the 1984 presidential election?, Aragon - A major leader of the Reconquista was James the Conqueroe of what Iberian kingdom, whose crown united with Castile in 1479?, cloture - Filibusters can be ended by what motion that immediately ends debate, which usually requires a 60% majority to pass?, John McCain - What Republican who rode a bus called the "Straight Talk Express" during primaries in 2000, lost a later presidential race to Barack Obama?, Osaka - The headquarters of Panasonic are in what populous city of Japan's Kansai region and third most populous in the entire country?, Haile Selassie - Rastafarians revere what last emperor of the Solomonic Dynasty, who was overthrown by the Communist Derg in 1974?, Winnie-the- Pooh - Since 2013 images of what cartoon character have been banned in China since they are often used to mock President Xi Jinping?, Bosworth - Richard II died in what 1485 battle, which was the last major clash of the War of the Roses?, Sudan - In 1904 Leigh Hunt tried to start a cotton industry in what present-day country, where "Chinese" Gordon died fighting the Mahdist uprising in 1885?, International Criminal Court (ICC) - In March 2022 what tribunal based in the The Hague announced an investigation into individuals accused of committing war crimes in Ukraine?, Kabbalah - Moshe Cordovero and Issac Luria were major theorists of what mystic tradition of Judaism outlined in the Zohar?, Chester Arthur - What president signed the Chinese Exclusion Act after taking power following the assassination of James Garfield?, Sir Thomas Aquinas - What medieval Christian philosopher gave three criteria for just war in Summa Theologica?, Sacco and Vanzetti - The U.S. embassy in Buenos Aires was bombed in response to the death sentence given to what two Italian-American anarchists in Massachusetts in 1921?, Buddhism - There are five actions that dome a person's soul to Avici, the deepest hell in what religion whose members seek to become arhats?, Ross Perot - What Texan billionaire ran on an independent anti-NAFT platform and garnered 19 percent of the popular vote in the 1992 presidential election? , First Step - Jared Kushner was a major supporter of what 2018 law, which attempted to reform federal prisons and sentencing laws?, Domesday Book - What survey of all landholdings in England, tabulated in the 1080's, had a name suggesting it would be as final as the reckonings of the Last Judgment?, Turkey - The name "Asia" comes from the Roman province of Asia in what is now what country, whose cities include Gaziantep and Bursa?,

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