Speed limit in an alley - 10mph, Speed limit on most urban or town roads is - 30mph, How many feet you must indicate a turn using your turn signal - 100ft, It is illegal to make a U-turn if you can't see ___ feet away - 1000 ft, Max speed over the speed limit allowed on a 2 lane highway that has a speed limit of at least 55mph - 10 mph, You should not pass on a hill unless you can clearly see the road ahead for ____ ft. - 700 ft, No passing within ____ ft of an intersection, underpass, tunnel, or railroad. - 100 ft, No parking within ___ ft of a crosswalk or intersection - 20 ft, No parking within ___ ft of a flashing light, stop sign, or traffic signal control. - 30 ft, No parking in front of a railroad crossing within ____ ft. - 50 ft, No parking within ___ ft of a fire hydrant. - 10 ft, Headlights and taillights must be visible to a distance of _____ ft. - 500 ft, Driving position to avoid if you are driving a car with airbags. - 10 & 2, Distance to stop from a school bus - 20 ft, Distance to keep away from an emergency vehicle - 500 ft, Distance commercial vehicles might not be able to see ahead of them. - 20 ft, Distance commercial vehicles might not see behind them - 200 ft, Number of people in a carpool lane - 2+, Distance you should be able to stop within if using high beam lights. - 350 ft, Percent of all traffic accidents related to distracted driving. - 25%, Distance to keep from other vehicles while pulling a camper or trailer - 500 ft, Max Recreational Vehicle (RV) length - 70 ft, Max speed that tires can "wipe" water off the road - 35 mph, Water level on a road that can reach the bottom of most cars - 6", Reinstatement fee if a driver's license is revoked for driving under the influence. - $680,

Driver's Education Numbers



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