1) What is the name of this weeks parsha? a) Beshalach b) Bo c) Yitro 2) Who is Yitro? a) Moshes father in law b) Moshes friend c) Moshes brother 3) Who did yitro bring with him to the desert? a) Tziporah b) Bat- Pharoh c) Rivka 4) How many commandments were there? a) 30 b) 360 c) 10 5) Who got the 10 commandments from Hashem? a) Aharon b) Moshe c) All of bnei yisrael 6) What was the mountain called where we recieved the Torah? a) Har Katan b) Har Sinai c) Har Torah 7) What was Yitros idea for Moshe? a) To serve idols b) To have judges c) To go back to Egypt 8) Why did yitro decide to help out Moshe ? a) He was just being nice b) He saw how hard Moshe was working c) He wanted take over for Moshe 9) Was Yitro Jewish? a) Yes! b) No! 10) What was the name of the place that Yitro was coming from? a) Egypt b) Midyan c) Israel 11) How were the Jews feeling when Hashem spoke to them at Har Sinai? a) Happy b) Sad c) Scared 12) Is it one of the 10 commandments to not be jealous ? a) Yes b) No 13) Is it one of the 10 commandments to be nice to your mom and dad? a) No way! b) Yes, Of course. 14) Is it one of the 10 commantments to Not steal? a) Yes! b) No. 15) How many Jews were at har sinai ? a) 5 b) 20 c) thousands of them! 16) Is shabbat in the ten commandments?  a) yes b) no



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