uni, mono - one, bi, di, du, duo - two, tri - three, quad, quar, tetra - four, pent, quint - five, hex, sex - six, hexagon - six-sided figure, sextet - group of six, hexapod - insect with six legs, sextuplets - six siblings who are born at the same time , sept, hept - seven, oct - eight, septuplets - seven siblings born at the same time, octopus - a sea animal with eight tentacles, non, nov - nine, dec,deci, deca - ten, nonagon - shape with nine angles, decimeter - unit of measure based on ten, cent - hundred, heptagon - seven-sided figure with seven angles, century - span of one hundred years, decade - ten years, anni, annu, enni - year, annual - something that occurs every year, perennial - flowers that bloom every year, centiennial - a one-hundred year celebration, bicentiennial - a two-hundred year celebration, biennial - something that occurs every two years,

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