Workplace safety involves the ____ of injury or illness to employees and customers in a workplace. OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, establishes workplace safety ____. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits ____ against employees due to disabilities. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) establishes employment standards like giving ____ and meal periods to employees. Whistleblowers are protected from ____ for reporting unsafe or illegal working conditions. Slips, ____ and falls are one of the most common injury types in retail stores. Proper ____ techniques help prevent back injuries. It's important to prepare for ____ by having things like a fire extinguisher and first aid kit. Keep a ____ record of any accidents and how you dealt with them. Plan ahead for ____ disasters common to your area, like earthquakes or hurricanes.

RiseUp 2.3 - Workplace Safety


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