p53 - tumor suppressor protein, ocogene - a gene that causes cancer, proto-ocogene - a gene that causes cell growth and can be converted to oncogenes, cyclin - amounts of this chemical fluctuate during the cell cycle, MFP ( maturation promoting factor) - a complex made of cyclin and protein kinase and a phosphate group, cyclin dependent kinase (Cdk) - a chemical present during all stages of the cell cycle and that is able to add phosphate groups to compounds., Ligand - a signal molecule, Interphase - the part of the cell cycle that is made of G1, S, G2, Apoptosis - cell death, Homeostatis - self-regulating processes by which biological systems the end to maintain stability., phosphorylation cascade - part of signal transduction that amplifies the signal, G protein-coupled receptor - a cell signal reception protein that activates a protein by phosphorylation of a GPD., chromatin - unwound DNA and proteins , centromere - the constricted region of a chromosome, cAMP - a second messenger in a cell tranduction, secondary messengers  - small non-protein molecules or ions that relay messages -cAMP, Ca2+, IP3, sister chromatids - The two identical copies of a chromosome, held together by a centromere, Kinetochores - A structure on the chromosome to which the microtubules attach., Density dependent inhibition - Cells stop growing once cover a space with a single layer, Anchorage Dependence - In order to grow cells need a structure to adhere to., Autocrine - When a cell sends signal molecules to itself, Juxatcrine - When a cell sends signal molecules to its neighboring cells, the cells are touching each other , Paracrine - When a cell sends signal molecules to cell nearby, Endocrine - When a cell send signal molecules within a system.,

Unit 4 Mitosis and Cell Communication


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