Noncontagious - Can not be passed from person to person, Nonabrasive - not rough, noncombustible - can not be burned, nonfactual - not based on facts, nonstop - always moving, nonfiction - true, nonverbal - not able to speak, Mistreat - treat wrongly, Mismatch - do not match, Misunderstood - understood wrongly, Bombardment - The act of attacking, Enslavement - The act of making someone a slave, Endorsement - The act of supporting someone or someting, Enrollment - The act of joining something, Sparingly - in small amounts, Uniquely - in one of a kind way, Worldly - knowing a lot about many things, Frequently - often, Meaningless - Without meaning, Expressionless - Without showing feelings on your face, Emotionless - Without emotion, Penniless - Without money, poor, Spineless - Without courage, Audbile - Can be heard, Accessible - can be accepted, Flexible - Can bend easily, Visible - Can be seen, Disorder - Not in order, Disqualify - not able to take part, Disadvantage - Not able to easily do something,



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