感恩gǎn ēn节是什么时候? (4th Thursday of November), 母亲mǔ qīn节是什么时候?(2nd Sunday of May), 中文课是什么时候? (4th/9th period), 英文课是什么时候? (what period), 你什么时候吃饭?(what period), 他是谁? (3rd boyfriend), 李老师是谁?  (1st Chinese teacher), 你为什么很喜欢她? (1st friend), 你喝咖啡了吗? (this is my 4th coffee), 为什么这个女人很高兴? (expecting the first kid), 再见! (see you at 9th period class!), 这是你的第一台手机吗? (answer in your real situation), 你想买哪只猫? (answer in your real situation), 中秋节是什么时候? (lunar calender)15th day of August.

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