What do adjectives do? - Adjectives are often called 'describing words' because they provide information about the qualities of something described in a noun, a noun phrase or a noun clause. , What do adjectives look like? - A lot of adjectives are closely related to nouns or verbs. (beautiful: beauty (noun), dangerous: danger (noun), Many adjectives have the same form as participles. Provide some examples. - boring, bored, broken, closed, exciting, excited, etc., What are multiword adjectives? - Multiword or 'compound' adjectives are made up of two parts (usually connected by a hyphen). (well-liked, well-intentione, self-centred), How are comparative and superlative adjectives formed? - Short adjectives: by adding -er (comp.), the -, Where do adjectives come in sentences? - There are.two usual sentence positions for single adjectives:before a noun (within a noun phrase).after a noun (or pronoun) and a verb., What is the order of adjectives when there are more than one adjective? - Size, shape, colour, origin, material, use (and then noun), Punctuation - In writing we generally separate the adjectives in a list by commas when they all qualify the same noun. We leave out commas when one adjective qualifies another., What are gradable and ungradable adjectives? - Gradable adjectives describe qualities that we can measure or grade in some way. Some adjectives express: extreme qualities: terrified,Jurious, starving; absolute qualities: alive, correct, dead, male, human. With these extreme and absolute ('ungradable') adjectives we use only intensifiers which stress the extreme or absolute nature of these adjectives, and we don't use downtoners.,



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