1) We're going on holiday ___ July. a) on b) in 2) Did your sister leave school ___1995? a) in b) on 3) We first had electricity in our village ___ 20th May 1935. a) on b) in 4) Gustave Eiffel built the Eiffel Tower ___ 1889. a) on b) in 5) My nephew's going to live in America ___ May this year. a) in b) on 6) Do you think there will be cars ___ 2050? a) in b) on 7) We got married ___ Saturday 6th May 2000. a) on b) in 8) People from Europe first arrived in America ___ 1620 ___21st November a) on, in b) on, on c) in, in d) in, on

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