Objective - What a character wants or needs, Relationship - Association or connection between 2 people, Stakes - What is at risk if an objective is not met, Ephemeral - Something that doesn't last very long, Performer - A singer, dancer, or actor, Spectator - An audience, Space - Physical location of a theatre production, Design - Technical elements of a theatre production, effecting what is seen and heard., Liveness - When a performer and spectator are in the same place at the same time, Text - General content of a show, often the script or plot, Set - Scenery behind the actors, Props - Objects actors interact with such as weapons or food, Costumes - Clothing, wigs, and makeup actors wear, Lights - Electronic element that controls brightness and color, Sound - Electronic element that controls music and voices, Ritual - Repeated action that takes on meaning, Worship - The first step in society, before ritual, mythology, and art, Fable - A short story with a moral that is not presented as true, Mythology - A made up explanation presented as the truth, History - True events that happened in the past,

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