“Its” and “It’s” have the same meaning. - False – “Its” is a possessive pronoun, while “it’s” is a contraction for “it is” or “it has.”, Pilots have a parachute under their seats. - False - Pilots don't carry a parachute with them, it's part of the harness they wear., “Whom” is used as an object, while “Who” is used as a subject. - True – “who” is a subject pronoun, and “whom” is an object pronoun., You can get arrested by cabin crew. - True, the right of arrest on board an aircraft and in flight. The flight attendant is primarily a safety professional, not some waiter/waitress., There is no row 13 aboard an aircraft. - True, most airlines have opted to withdraw this number from their fleets due to triscaidekaphobia, a phobia stemming from the number 13. It's the same reason you won't find a row 17 on Lufthansa flights. Unlucky for some!, You can open an aircraft door during a flight. - False - the plane door can't be opened mid-flight, but it could potentially be opened on descent. And it all comes down to cabin pressure and mechanical locks., Cabin crew have to meet height requirements. - True, height-wise, attendants should be between 157.47cm and 190.5cm without shoes. They do not allow facial piercings or visible tattoos – even if concealed. A high school degree is required, with 2 or more years of college preferred., If you are born aboard an aircraft, you’ ll fly for free the rest of your life! - False - according to longstanding rumor, a child born in-flight is awarded free air transport on that carrier for the rest of his days. This unwritten rule is whispered as the reason airlines restrict the travel plans of expectant women who have the third trimester.. , hunder storms increase the risk of an airplane crash. - False - Yes, they can be dangerous to commercial aircraft as they can contain hail, heavy rain, lightning, ice, severe winds and super cooled water droplets, all of which may cause damage to the aircraft in extreme conditions. Pilots therefore do their very best to avoid flying through thunderstorms wherever possible., Aircraft dump their toilet waste above the ocean. - False - Nah! This is a big myth. First of all, they can’t. Secondly, it is strictly forbidden. Modern long haul planes have sufficient sewer holding tank to last a journey more than 16 hours. The tanks are emptied into sewer disposal units at the airport., Cabin crew speak a minimum of four languages. - False - Flight attendants do not necessarily need to know multiple languages, but having proficiency in more than one language can be a valuable asset in the airline industry. Flight attendants primarily need to be fluent in the language of the airline they are working for, as well as English, which is the international language of aviation., An adverb can modify a noun. - False – adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, not nouns., “You and I” is always correct, and “You and me” is always incorrect. - False – the correctness depends on whether they are used as subjects or objects in a sentence., Sports injuries are a leading cause of vision loss in kids. - True, Wearing proper protective eyewear can reduce your risk of eye injury by 90%. - True, “Could of” is a correct phrase in English grammar. - False – the correct phrase is “could have.”, The main symptoms of eye allergy are red, itchy, and watery eyes. - True, Pigs roll in the mud because they don't like being clean. - True, Herbivores are animal eaters. - False - carnivores are animal eaters, whereas herbivores are herb and grass eaters., The two longest rivers in the world are the Mississippi and the Nile. - False - the Amazon and the Nile, Greenland is the largest island in the world. - True, Infants have more bones than adults. - True, The human eye can distinguish 10 million different colors. - True, The most common blood type is 0- negative. - True, and AB is the rearest., Dumbo is the shortest Disney film. - True, Beauty and the Beast was Disney's first Broadway musical. - True, The letter "T" is the most common in the English Language. - False - letter 'E', Marvel published its first comic in October 1939. - True, The Harry Potter film, Chamber of Secrets, is the longest film of the Harry Potter movies. - True, The star sign Aquarius is represented by a tiger. - False - the water bearer, ASOS stands for As Seen On Screen. - True, English is the most spoken language in the world. - False - Mandarin, The goat is the national animal of Scotland. - False - the unicorn, A lion's roar can be heard up to five kilometres away. - False - eight kilometres, The Great Wall of China can be seen from space. - False – this is a common myth; the Great Wall is not visible from space with the naked eye., The Amazon is the longest river in the world. - False – the Nile River in Africa is generally recognized as the longest river in the world., Sharks are mammals. - False – sharks are a type of fish., The capital of Australia is Sydney. - False – the capital of Australia is Canberra., Lightning never strikes the same place twice. - False – lightning can strike the same place more than once., The human body is comprised of over 60% water. - True – about 60% of the adult human body is water., The currency of France is the Franc. - False – France uses the Euro as its currency., Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for the theory of relativity. - False – Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his explanation of the photoelectric effect., Venus is the closest planet to the Sun. - False – Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun., An octopus has two hearts. - True – an octopus does have three hearts., Humans have more than five senses. - True – in addition to the traditional five, humans have senses like balance, temperature, and pain., The Pyramids of Giza are located in Iraq. - False – they are located in Egypt., Sound travels faster in air than in water. - False – sound travels faster in water than in air., The Internet and the World Wide Web are the same thing. - False – the Internet is a huge network of networks, while the World Wide Web is a collection of information accessible on the Internet., The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. - True, The human eye can distinguish about a million different colors. - True – the human eye can distinguish roughly one million colors., All planets in our solar system orbit the Sun in a circular path. - False – the orbits are elliptical., The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage. - True – the Titanic sank on its maiden voyage in April 1912., A group of lions is known as a ‘pride’. - True, Camels store water in their humps. - False – camel humps store fat, not water., Butterflies taste with their feet. - True – butterflies have taste receptors on their feet., Cows have best friends. - True – studies have shown that cows become stressed when they’re separated from their preferred companions, suggesting that these animals can have “best friends” within their groups., A group of crows is called a ‘murder’. - True, Penguins are only found in Antarctica. - False – while many live in Antarctica, some species are found in warmer climates., Elephants are the only animals that can’t jump. - False – there are other animals that can’t jump, like sloths., Dolphins sleep with one eye open. - True – dolphins keep one half of their brain awake for breathing and to watch for predators., A snail can sleep for three years. - True – some snails can enter a prolonged state of hibernation., The fingerprints of a koala are virtually indistinguishable from those of a human. - True – koala fingerprints are remarkably similar to human ones., All spiders spin webs. - False – not all spider species spin webs., The horn of a rhinoceros is made from bone. - False – it’s made of keratin, the same material as human hair and nails., Flamingos are born pink. - False – they are born with grey feathers, which turn pink due to their diet of shrimp and algae., Frogs can drink water through their skin. - True – frogs absorb water through their skin., Turtles can come out of their shells. - False – a turtle’s shell is a part of its skeleton and they cannot leave it., Water expands when it freezes. - True – unlike most substances, water expands when it freezes., The Milky Way is a type of galaxy. - True – the Milky Way is a spiral galaxy., Humans can survive without oxygen for up to an hour. - False – humans cannot survive without oxygen for more than a few minutes., DNA is the primary genetic material in humans and most other organisms. - True – DNA carries genetic information in most living organisms., All radioactivity is man-made. - False – there are many natural sources of radioactivity., Mercury is the hottest planet in the solar system. - False – Venus is the hottest due to its thick atmosphere., Atoms are most densely packed in gases. - False – atoms are more densely packed in solids., The Earth’s atmosphere is mostly oxygen. - False – it’s mostly nitrogen., Pluto is classified as a planet. - False – Pluto is classified as a dwarf planet., Gold is a good conductor of electricity. - True – gold is an excellent conductor of electricity., The adult human body has 32 teeth. - True – adults typically have 32 teeth, including wisdom teeth., Antibiotics are effective against viruses. - False – antibiotics only work against bacteria, not viruses., Mars is known as the “Red Planet” due to its blue skies. - False – Mars is known as the “Red Planet” due to its reddish appearance, which is due to iron oxide (rust) on its surface., Bats are blind. - False – bats can see, although they use echolocation for navigation., The smallest bone in the human body is located in the ear. - True – the stapes is the smallest bone in the human body., Sound travels faster than light. - False – light travels much faster than sound., Double negatives in a sentence create a positive meaning. - True – in standard English, double negatives often turn the sentence into a positive., World War I began in 1914. - True – World War I started in July 1914., “Whose” and “Who’s” have the same usage. - False – “whose” is a possessive pronoun, and “who’s” is a contraction for “who is” or “who has.”, Leonardo da Vinci painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling. - False – it was painted by Michelangelo., The Roman Empire officially ended in the year 1000 AD. - False – the Western Roman Empire fell in 476 AD., Queen Elizabeth I was the daughter of Henry VIII. - True – she was the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn., The Aztec civilization was primarily located in what is now Canada. - False – it was located in what is now Mexico., The first human landing on the Moon was in 1969. - True – Apollo 11 landed on the Moon in 1969., The Berlin Wall fell in the late 1980s. - True – it fell in 1989., The Industrial Revolution began in the United States. - False – it began in Great Britain in the late 18th century., Cleopatra was Egyptian by birth. - False – she was of Greek origin, a member of the Ptolemaic dynasty., The Hundred Years’ War lasted exactly one hundred years. - False – it lasted 116 years, from 1337 to 1453., Julius Caesar was the first Roman Emperor. - False – the first Roman Emperor was Augustus., The Renaissance began in the 14th century. - True – it began in the late 14th century in Italy., Mahatma Gandhi was the first Prime Minister of India. - False – Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister of India, whereas Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian independence activist and leader who played a key role in the peaceful resistance movement against British colonial rule., Passive voice should always be avoided in writing. - False – passive voice has appropriate uses, though it’s often less direct than active voice., “Fewer” is used for countable items, and “Less” is used for uncountable quantities. - True,
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