1) with, together, joint a) -ing b) em c) con, com, co d) er 2) able to be; fit to be; in accordance with a) er b) il. im c) anti, de d) able, ible 3) state of being [whatever the root is]; a group sharing a condition or state a) -hood, ent, dom b) pre, fore c) pan d) -es 4) belonging to; action of, process of [the root] a) ful b) -al c) -ant d) maxi 5) having the qualities of [the root]; a group sharing a condition or state a) -ly, ous, like, ic, ish b) -cian c) maxi d) con, com, co 6) before a) -cle b) -ant c) -ship, -icity d) pre, fore 7) above a) -cle b) anti, de c) over, super d) -cian 8) result of [the root] a) pan b) be c) -age d) -hood, ent, dom 9) specific section of [the root] a) re b) -ship, -icity c) -cle d) -age 10) an agent; something that performs the action of [the root] a) -ant b) em c) anti, de d) ab/ad 11) cause; on; around; over; about; excessively; make; name; affect a) be b) -cian c) maxi d) -ist 12) small a) pro b) -cule, micro c) -cle d) over, super 13) action, process, quality, or state of [the root] a) -ist b) maxi c) em d) -ence, tion, sion 14) not (second one also means on; towards) a) er b) -ist c) pre, fore d) il. im 15) condition or status of [the root] a) trans b) -al c) -ship, -icity d) -hood, ent, dom 16) to do the action of, greater a) pan b) er c) -es d) able, ible 17) through, across a) trans b) -ant c) -ence, tion, sion d) -cle 18) large, most, very a) maxi b) ab/ad c) re d) -cule, micro 19) the most a) ab/ad b) est c) trans d) pre, fore 20) against a) re b) est c) over, super d) anti, de 21) all a) -cian b) il. im c) pan d) pro 22) make; put into; provide with; surround with a) est b) pre, fore c) -cle d) em 23) away from; off/ to; towards (opposites) a) ab/ad b) -ant c) pre, fore d) -cule, micro 24) an amount or quantity that fills [the root] a) ab/ad b) re c) ful d) er 25) one who does a) ful b) -cian c) -ant d) pre, fore 26) multiple, perform the act of [the root] a) able, ible b) ab/ad c) -es d) il. im 27) the act of doing a) anti, de b) -ing c) -es d) ful 28) person or member of a) be b) able, ible c) -ist d) trans 29) for; forward a) -ship, -icity b) con, com, co c) pro d) -ence, tion, sion 30) again a) pro b) re c) -es d) -cle
013.1 Flying Fruit Affixes 80-95 (no circum, bi, auto, sub, ex, post, hyper, esque, inter) partial
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