1) People in Arizona expect the summer to be hot and dry. a) Weather b) Climate 2) Midland, Texas has more than 200 windy days each year. a) Weather b) Climate 3) Typically, it does not snow in Houston in December. a) Weather b) Climate 4) Annual high temperatures in the summer have increased over many decades. a) Weather b) Climate 5) The average annual precipitation is 51 inches. a) Weather b) Climate 6) Winters in Houston are usually mild and wet. a) Weather b) Climate 7) Yesterday, it was cold and rainy in Houston. The temperature was 37°F. a) Weather b) Climate 8) The temperature has been rising all month. a) Weather b) Climate 9) A storm is moving into our area and will be here next week. a) Weather b) Climate 10) Last month it rained over 8 inches in San Antonio. a) Weather b) Climate 11) The temperature in East Texas increased this week as warm front moved into the area. a) Weather b) Climate 12) After a winter storm, Houston accumulated 3 to 4 inches of snow. a) Weather b) Climate

Weather Vs. Climate Challenge


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