Key person - promotes children’s learning and development, and ensures they are safe and secure., SENCO or SENDCO - supports practitioners who work with children who have SEND and liaises with families/other professionals., Health visitor - supports families who have a child under the age of 5 with health/development., Police - have a child abuse investigation unit, which has power to take action such as removing the child or perpetrator and gather evidence and conduct interviews when it is thought a crime has been committed., Designated safeguarding lead - the practitioner who takes lead responsibility for safeguarding in the setting. The person you would go to with any safeguarding concerns., Dietician - a professional who can support with children’s nutrition, for example if a child has a medical condition such as they need to be peg fed., Speech and language therapist - supports children with speech, language and communication delays., Early years teacher - has a teaching qualification. Can use the 1:13 ratio if working with 3 and 4 year olds., Early years professional - has a level 6 qualification specific to the EYFS. Can use the 1:13 ratio if working with 3 and 4 year olds., Teacher - based in schools and you may work with them to support children transitioning to school., Family support worker - support families experiencing a range of difficulties, including adult addictions (drug or alcohol), or families where there is SEND need, or language barriers and struggling to access services.,




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