a viral or bacterial infection - an infection caused by a virus or a bacteria, to take one's temperature with a thermometer - to measure how high one's temperature is using a thermometer , temp is running high - the temperature is increasing , body aches - continuous pain in the body that is unpleasant but not very strong, sweating - passing sweat through the skin because you are hot or ill, shivering - shaking slightly because you feel cold or ill, dehydration - a drop below normal levels of water in the body, fatigue /fəˈtiːɡ/ - extreme tiredness, to relieve fever - to take some action to ensure a drop in temperature to its normal level, primary care physician - a health care professional who practices general medicine. PCPs are our first stop for medical care., to reduce the risk of further complications - to decrease the risk of the appearance of extra medical problems that make it more difficult to treat an existing illness , liver, kidney, or heart failure - an occasion when the heart, kidneys or the liver stops working correctly or stops completely, to cause strain  - to cause an injury to a muscle or similar soft part of the body caused by using that part too much, to be accompanied by a rash - to appear together with a lot of small red spots on the skin, seizure /ˈsiː.ʒər/ - a very sudden attack of an illness in which someone becomes unconscious or develops violent movements, swelling  - a part of your body that has become bigger because of illness or injury,



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