ls - Lists files and directories in the current directory, pwd - Prints the current working directory's full path, mv - Moves or renames files and directories, cp - Copies files or directories from one location to another, rm - Deletes files or directories, chmod - Changes the permissions of files or directories., chown - Changes the owner and/or group of a file or directory, su/sudo - Executes a command with superuser (root) privileges, apt-get - Debian-based Linux - install, update, or remove software packages, yum - RPM-based Linux - install, update, or remove software packages, ip - Manage the network interfaces, df - Displays disk space usage for mounted file systems, grep - Searches for specified patterns within files and displays matching lines - Find text in a file, ps - Displays information about currently running processes, man - Displays the manual page for a specified command, top - Displays a real-time view of system processes and resource usage, find - Searches for files and directories in a directory hierarchy based on specified criteria, dig - Queries DNS servers for information about domain names, cat - Concatenates and displays the contents of one or more files, nano - Opens a simple, user-friendly text editor,

CompTIA A+ Core 2 1102 - Linux Commands


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