Words for the Wiser: The advice of an older or wiser character offers about life to the main character., Example: Lila's mom had always told her never to make fun of people., Contrasts and Contradictions: A character behaves or thinks in a way we don’t expect., Example:  Lila took the Roses from Derek and carried them around all day., Aha Moments: A character’s realization of something that shifts his or actions or understanding., Example: Lila realizes it is the first time she does something she didn't want to just to protect someone else's feelings., Tough Questions: Questions a character raises that reveal his/her inner struggles., Example: Lila asks herself why Derek keeps giving her gifts saying, "Didn't he have better things to do?", Again and Again: Events, images, or particular words that recur over a portion of the text., Example: Other students show their immaturity by teasing Derek and Lila., Memory Moment: A memory by a character that interrupts the plot of the story., Example: Lila pictures herself in middle school carrying the roses around all day and feeling proud of her maturity.,

Fiction Signposts Review + Red Roses


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