朋友 - péngyou (friend), 不 - bù (no/not), 先生 - xiānsheng (Mr.; husband; teacher), 好 - hǎo (OK; decent), 小姐 - xiǎojie (miss; young lady), 请问 - qǐng wèn (may I ask...), 请 - qǐng (please; polite form of request), 您 - nín (polite singular "you"), 贵姓 - guìxìng (honorable surname), 贵 - guì (honorable), 姓 - xìng (one's surname is; to be surnamed; surname), 呢 - (ne) interrogative particle for follow up questions, how about/what about, 叫 - jiào (to be called; to call), 名字 - míngzi (name), 韩国 - Hánguó (Korea), 英国 - Yīngguó (England), 法国 - Fǎguó (France), 德国 - Déguó (Germany), 日本 - Rìběn (Japan), 西班牙 - Xībányá (Spain), 哥伦比亚 - gē lún bǐ yà (Colombia), 台湾 - Táiwān (Taiwan), 加拿大 - Jiānádà (Canada), 同学 - tóngxué (classmate), 认识 - rènshi (to know someone; to recognize), 知道 - zhīdao to know (a fact), 月 - yuè (month), 七月 - qīyuè (July), 八月 - bāyuè (August), 九月 - jiǔyuè (September), 十月 - shíyuè (October), 十一月 - shíyīyuè (November), 十二月 - shí'èryuè (December), 分 - fěn (minute), 号 - hào (number in series; day of month), 星期 - xīngqī (week), 天 - tiān (day), 昨天 - zuótiān (yesterday), 今年 - jīnnián (this year), 早饭 - zǎofàn (breakfast), 午饭 - wǔfàn (lunch, midday meal), 晚饭 - wǎnfàn (supper, dinner), 星期六 - xīngqīliù (Saturday), 星期日 - xīngqīrì (Sunday), 那 - nà/nèi (that), 照片 - zhào piàn (photo), 的 - de (possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle), 这 - zhè/zhèi (this), 爸爸 - bàba (father), 妈妈 - māma (mother), 个 - ge (measure word for person, common measure word), 只 - zhī (measure word for animal ), 男 - nán (male), 孩子 - háizi (child), 谁 - shéi (who), 他 - tā (he; him), 弟弟 - dìdi (younger brother), 妹妹 - mèimei (younger sister), 她 - tā (she;her), 女儿 - nǚ'ér (daughter), 有 - yǒu (have), 儿子 - érzi (son), 没 - méi (not), 几 - jǐ (how many), 哥哥 - gēge (older brother), 姐姐 - jiějie (older sister), 和 - hé (and), 做 - zuò (to do), 律师 - lǜshī (lawyer), 都 - dōu (both; all), 医生 - yīshēng (doctor), 生日 - shēngrì (birthday), 生 - shēng (to give birth; to be born), 多 - duō (how many/much; to what extent), 岁 - suì (year of age), 请 - qǐng (to treat somebody; to invite), 吃 - chī (to eat), 晚 - wǎn (evening; night; late), 饭 - fàn (meal; cooked rice), 怎么样 - zěnmeyàng (is it ok?; what's it like?; how's it sound?), 太[...](了) - tài[...](le) (too; extremely; exclamation), 谢谢 - xièxie (thanks; to thank), 喜欢 - xǐhuan (to like), 还是 - háishi (or), 可是 - kěshì (but), 好 - hǎo (good; ok), 我们 - wǒmen (we,us), 点 - diǎn (o'clock), 半 - bàn (half; half an hour), 晚上 - wǎnshang (evening; night), 见 - jiàn (to see), 再 - zài (again), 再见 - zàijiàn (see you again), 哪国人 - nǎ guó rén (what nationality), 年级 - nián jí (year of grade), 上 - shàng (to go to), 口 - kǒu  (mouth/ measure word for family number ,population), 工作 - gōng zuò (jot/to work), 可爱 - kě ài  (cute), 凶 - xiōng (fierce),

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