harmoniously (adverb) - In a way that shows agreement and peace., triumphantly (adverb) - In a way that shows great joy or pride after a victory., eternally (adverb) - Forever; for all time., intertwined (verb) - To be closely connected or linked., herald (noun) - A person or thing that announces or signals the coming of something else., stately (adjective) - Impressive in appearance or manner, especially because of size or age., divvied (verb) - To divide something, especially into shares., dismay (noun) - A feeling of intense disappointment or sadness., chivalrous (adjective) - Behaving in a polite, honorable, and courteous way, especially towards women., melancholy (noun) - A feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause., accumulate (verb) - To gather or collect something over time., abruptly (adverb) - Suddenly and unexpectedly., rendered (verb) - To cause someone or something to be in a particular state., terrified (adjective) - Extremely frightened.,

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