Pain that may be limited, intermittent, or persistent but that lasts for six months or longer and interfers with normal functioning - Chronic pain, Neuropathic pain - Pain that results from an injury to, or abnormal functioning of, peripheral nerves or the central nervous system, Hyperalgesia - Excessive sensitivity, Pain that extends to other areas - Radiating pain, Pain that is perceived in an area distant from its point of origin - Referred pain, Phantom pain - Occurs after an amputation when the brain continues to receive messages from the area of the amputation, The adminstration of medications before a painful event - Preemptive analgesia, Somatic pain - Pain that is diffuse or scattered and originates in tendons, ligaments, bones, blood vessels, and nerves, Pain for which no physical cause can be found - Psychogenic pain, Mild pain - 1-3 on numeric pain scale, 4-7 on numeric pain scale - Moderate pain, Severe pain - 8-10 on numeric pain scale, RESPIRATORY DEPRESSION - Monitor respirations - Adverse effect of opioid analgesics, Continuous infusion of a narcotic or local anesthetic into the epidural space by insertion of needle or catheter; numbs the nerve endings in a local area of the body. Used for labor pain, surgery, and cancer pain - Epidural analgesia, Opioid analgesics - Most effective agents for relief of moderate to severe pain (7-10 pain level), Wong-Baker FACES scale - Visual tool for assessing pain with children and others who cannot quanitfy the severity of their pain on a scale from 0-10, Nonopioid analgesics - Treatment for mild to moderate pain (example: day 3 after surgery). Nonaddictive, safer to use. NSAIDs and acetaminophen (Tylenol), Pain that is poorly localized and originates in body organs, the thorax, cranium, and abdomen - Visceral pain, Nocicptive pain - Most common type of pain; A physical pain that occures when nociceptors are stimulated in response to trauma, inflammation, or tissue damage from surgery,

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