1) What is the value of the 3 in 2,135,791? a) three hundred b) three thousand c) thirty-thousand 2) What is the value of the 6 in 6,238,291?  a) sixty thousand b) six million c) six thousand 3) What is the value of the 8 in 48,207? a) eighty thousand b) eight hundred c) eight thousand 4) What is the value of the 0 in 5,274,023? a) twenty b) three hundred billion c) zero 5) What is the value of the 1 in 42,528,201? a) one b) ten thousand c) one hundred 6) What is the value of 8 in 4,827,142? a) eight thousand b) eighty thousand c) eight hundred thousand 7) What is the value of 7 in 372,159? a) seven thousand b) seventy thousand c) seventeen thousand 8) What is the value of 9 in 163,970? a) nineteen hundred b) nine hundred c) ninety hundred 9) What is the value of 2 in 321,960? a) two thousand b) twenty thousand c) two hundred thousand 10) What is the vaue of 5 in 5,690,324? a) fifteen thousand b) five hundred thousand c) five million

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