1) Where is the book? a) a) on the table b) b) at the table c) c) in the table 2) We are meeting _____ the cinema. a) a) in b) b) at c) c) on 3) He’s _____ the bus right now.  a) a) in b) b) at c) c) on 4) The office is _____ the third floor. a) a) at b) b) in c) c) on 5) She’s _____ home now. a) a) in b) b) at c) c) on 6) They are waiting ___ the bus stop.  a) a) in b) b) at c) c) on 7) The car is parked ___ the traffic light.  a) a) in b) b) at c) c) on 8) I found this information ___ the Internet.   a) a) in b) b) at c) c) on 9) The kids are swimming ___ the pool. a) a) in b) b) at c) c) on 10) We met ___ a concert last weekend. a) a) in b) b) at c) c) on

At, in, on – prepositions of place


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