1) You put it on your head: a) beanie b) socks c) belt d) underwear e) socks f) T -shirt 2) You put them on your feet: a) coat b) watch c) socks d) backpack e) belt f) dress 3) You wear it for a wedding or an interview: a) trainers b) jacket c) sandals d) suit e) T-shirt f) coat 4) You wear them when it is sunny: a) jumper b) boots c) watch d) sandals e) sunglasses f) slippers 5) You put it around your neck: a) underwear b) suit c) tie d) socks e) bag f) hoodie 6) It has a hood: a) dress b) watch c) belt d) slippers e) skirt f) hoodie 7) You put them on your hands: a) trainers b) gloves c) dress d) hat e) belt f) scarf 8) A long piece of clothing women wear: a) skirt b) jeans c) scarf d) dress e) cap f) boots 9) You put it on your wrist: a) watch b) belt c) blouse d) bag e) scarf f) gloves 10) They are mostly blue and both men and women wear them: a) slippers b) jeans c) watch d) belt e) scarf f) beanie 11) You carry things in it: a) underwear b) boots c) scarf d) gloves e) beanie f) bag 12) You put around your waist on another piece of clothing a) watch b) suit c) belt d) jumper e) T-shirt f) hoodie




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